I’ve always been haunted by the fact that I can’t keep a good to-do list. There’s been days when I’ve felt list-y, and I’d throw together a list, motivated to keep my life in order. But, inevitably, I look at it less and less, and forget to add anything to it…it just becomes a list of things I never got done.
See, I could never figure out the rules for making a to-do list. Do I have to put ‘brush my teeth’ on the list? It’s something I have to do, but I seem to get it done every day. What about appointments? Do they go on the calendar AND the list? It’s all just too overwhelming! And it’s way too easy to ignore the list when it’s overwhelming.
Who actually wants to look at a list of all the boring chore-items they have to get done, day after day, after day? Where is the time for fun stuff, or even just the stuff you actually want to do? Does that have to go on the list too? And really, won’t I remember to vacuum when the floor is gross enough to remind me itself?
Don’t get me wrong, I like to be productive, and I’m a huge fan of feeling like I accomplished something at the end of the day. I’d just rather spend my time accomplishing that something than writing a list about it.
Finally, a kindred spirit! Don’t let lists rule your life. They may not work for everyone. And even then, they may not work for every area of your life. I love lists for project management-type stuff…to help me remember bugs to fix in my apps, features to add, views to adjust. Do what works for you.